Well, as the title suggests this will be a bit of an update blog so I am sorry if its a bit shit and drags on and on and on. I have been pressured into this a bit by the torrent of constant abuse from freeman to stop neglecting my blog.
So, if you have had your head up your arse for the last few months or I dont really talk to you anymore(wether that be a good thing or a bad) I am now living in London. This unprecedented turn around in my life came because someone was nice enough to give me a job which I could not afford to turn down. So at ten days notice my life was in a bag and luke and adams couch beckoned(for what turned out to be a lengthy stay).
My second night in London provided us all with the most bizarre evening. Luke wanted us all to go to this houseparty as he had a girl waiting for him who was 'in the bag' already(she was from wigan of all places) so we went along. When we got to the party I dont think any of us could believe it. There was five of us and seven of the hottest women ive ever seen in the same building. It was like someone was staging a reality tv show and we where the joke. The party promised good things but never delivered on any of them sadly as the girls almost certainly didnt drink enough.
My first few weeks of work and subsequent few weeks spent on my friends couch provided to be a really interesting and highly entertaining time. Including one of the unfittest games of football I have ever had the pleasure of playing in and some of the hottest conditions ive ever felt in England. Most of the players where hung over or half cut. I also got to experience 'Bodeans' American Grill restaurant which rob had talked about almost none stop since id been in London.
My last night at luke and adams was the night of the 'the hotel' wrap party which was taking place in Soho. I had to leave halfway through adams recording of 'mix gunna give it to ya' to head of into Soho to meet up with rob. I was already pretty drunk and rob was keen to play catch up so we tried to find an offie that would sell us some booze, failing this we found a japanese shop which sold me beer and rob saki. We abused some dutch guy who was looking for something for his cat and left. We stumbled upon duncan, who was already on his way to the wrap party and he was confused by our drunkeness. When we entered the wrap party we found out it was free booze, so we duly accepted the challenge to continue the reputation we had carefully built ourselves over the course of the previous summer... and that was to be complete and utter liabilities when drunk. I was in a bad way, about 30 minutes in, after all the greeting nonsense was out that way. I got a telling off from the barman for standing on a chair and trying to remove a fake budgie from its cage and halfway through the premier of the first episode I spilled my drink in the company of some pretty important people. We also got free food, which was excellant, and by the end of the night the women was just leaving the unfinnished trays next to me and rob. Dicking about aside though this was a pretty good evening and it was really good to get to see alot of people we had got to know quite well over the course of the shoot. It was nice to see everyone doing so well, shame John McClain couldnt be there.
I moved into my flatshare about two weeks ago now and its nice, im starting to feel at home. The people are nice and my room, although it felt weird at first is starting to feel alot more personal. The flat is pretty cool, its fairly big and has a pretty boss terrace at the back for bbqs and stuff.
I went home for a hectic weekend where I tried to see as many people as humanly possible. It started with a heated debate with the mother as she had packed all my shit into the loft and under my bed and couldnt tell me where any of it was. I have since been talked around by a certain someone that it is partially my fault and that I miss my mother, who would have knew?
I then proceeded to head to the lakes with olly and barry. I introduced them both to my inner desire to be a rally driver after I thrashed maddie around the back roads of GT which had olly(I noticed) gripped his doorside handle.
The gathering this year was good. I felt like I could never fully enjoy it knowing that id be cutting it in half but I still loved it. It was good to see so many people and especially when stubbs and rachel turned up on the saturday night unannounced, that was good. My personal highlight was the posters put up by ormskirk network, and the fact that people have started to like us but we still despise them. It was good to get out on the hill aswell and it made me realise it might be my last time in the lakes this year which is scary.
Today I got my keys at work, which is great, as it means im a full member of the team now pretty much. It also means however that I can now be victim to the same attacks in the balls the other kit room boys can, mainly by nik I imagine, so I need to be on guard for a few weeks I think. It feels good though to be gaining more responsibility, I just hope I dont fuck it up.
Sorry about this been a bit of a shit blog, I needed to get this out the way though so I can start writing about pointless funny shit again.
and to freeman, who is seemingly increasingly worried I am going to pick up southern traits. I think ill be ok freeman, I come across many people a day and hear many accents, but hardly any of them of british, let alone from the south. Ill have more chance of coming to your wedding sounding like I come from Lahore than I do London.
My tags should ensure this is not a bad blog for the ratings.
Lewis x