Thursday, 8 December 2011

Im sure the owners of Lidl are having a laugh.

A new post has been a long time coming and thanks to some convincing here is a new one.

My closest supermarket(small amount of emphasis on the word 'super' here) in London is Lidl. You all live relatively close to one as well but you never bother to go in because its completely wank. It carries the similar stigma that Aldi used too when I was a kid and you didn't want to be that kid. But to be honest with you I sometimes cant be fucked to walk all the way up to Ealing so I have to take a deep breath and just go for it.

It is as if the owners have never visited a normal supermarket. For starters, £1 for a trolley?? are you still that backwards Lidl? Kids don't knick trolleys anymore and head down the park to push their mates down hills, they are too busy playing online and taking crack. and who carries loose change round in this day in age? Put a chip and pin on that bad boy and ill be all over it.

Thankfully I don't need a trolley as I'm normally(and by that I mean ever) only shopping for one. So I head inside and look around for the baskets. Then I look a little harder. Then I head back outside to see if I missed them on my way in. Then I look up and see people assembling boxes they have brought with them or nicked by pouring some tomatoes on the floor. What the fuck is going on?

I don't have a box. What am I to do?

In my head I am already shrinking my shopping list into just enough that I can now carry round the shop. Eggs are out of the fucking question. So is glass anything. Did I point out I have actually agreed to carry my fucking shopping around the shop and then down the road?

I not only have to cross things off the Lidl wish list but I now also have to plan which items I am going to pick up first in order to be able to maximise my carrying ability. Fortunately Lidl help you out here by laying our their shop with no clear common pattern what-so-ever. So in reality you end up going around the shop back and fourth about 17 times and have to re pack your hand fulls at least twice and during all this faffing id of been to Ealing and half way back.

Lidl does have some plus sides though. It is filled with shit you thought you could really only get on holiday. Novelty foods such as decent bratwurst. If your a fan of curry as well their Balti cooking sauce is banging as are their wholemeal pittas. Don't be completely fooled by their little novelties though, you have not seen the cue yet.

AND WHAT A FUCKING QUE IT IS. Theres only ever two aisles open, no one speaks English and everyone is buying bloody loads. It is more tedious than the cues in Wilkos as at least there your items are in a basket and not wedged between your hands and your chin.

I don't even think the place is that cheap. Everyone is always harping on about how cheap it is but I just don't see it. I go there, not for the price, just to give myself a surreal experience on how life should not work and to occasionally scratch up on my Latvian. They do do cheap chicken breasts though.

To top it off, its normally raining when you get outside too. Great fun.

Hopefully the next one will not be in such long waiting.

Lewis x

P.S never buy the dodgy branded sausage and beans. I recently had a well bad craving for beans on toast and it was only after I got home and had eaten it did I realise the tin had 100% of may salt for the day in. 100% fucking percent. Is that shit even legal anymore?

Saturday, 23 July 2011

The London Diet, Try it.

Heres my London based guide to weight loss.

Step 1 - You have to be the right type of fat.

So im not talking the type of person who wants to loose a few pounds before they go on holiday in anticipation of putting on a few whilst on holiday as this method is too radical for that. I am also not talking about people who are properly fat, like way fat, like huge. This method puts far too much pressure on your mind and body for you to be able to cope and you probably will die.

The type of people I am talking to is people who are maybe a stone to three stone overweight and are looking to shed that extra weight but still have the ability to move around freely and can see all their toes.

Step 2 - Load yourself with unmanageable amounts of debt.

There are many ways you can do this. My chosen option was to go to university and also take out the maximum overdraft I could whilst at university. I also chose to buy a car(all be it 2nd hand) on finance and just for that extra kick I am going to canada next year for three weeks which will cost about £2000 in total.

You can load yourself with debt in other more adventurous ways if you wish, such as, gambling, drug use, buy a house, have a baby... all of these would work but it needs to be a good solid amount so lets say atleast £30,000.

Step 3 - Get a job in London (probably the hardest step, as the first two are fun)

This can be any job but it needs to pay you a good amount of money but not a great amount. Lets say £15,000 a year for instance. Just enough to have old mr student loans knocking on your door.

Step 4 - Live about 2-3 miles from work.

Heres the weight loss key and were this whole diet really starts to come together. Living just far enough away from work so that it takes you somewere between 40 minutes to an hour to walk to work. The key here is WALK. You could get the bus, yes? NO, remember you have all the crippling debt and not alot of spare cash so the walking not only helps your weight but your wallet too.

Step 5 - Enjoy Life.

Enjoy your new surroundings, enjoy your new job, enjoy your weight loss. All in the comfort that you are (just) servicing your debts and you are getting a bit fitter in the process. You also dont really have to watch what you eat, I mean your walking five miles a day and all the debt means you dont really have any cash so how much bad stuff can you really afford t eat?

Conclusion - I hope that you enjoy trying to fit all these pieces together over the coming years and make sure you remember the debt, thats one of the key elements of the diet. A nice big debt. I really do think this diet can be as big as the atkins, and it will get more people back to work, and give more money to the banks, and stop people driving to work. This really is the diet the global crisis' we face today have been waiting for.


Tuesday, 24 May 2011

A Turban a Day keeps the Racist away.

Been from the north and having spent three years in Carlisle(probably the most incomprehensibly racist place I have ever been, only second to Wigan) its fair to say I have been around my fair share of racist comments and general abuse.

Been in London is so different.

Every day since I have got here I must have heard atleast three different accents and come across so many different views and things I never really got to experience at home. I must say, im liking it. It adds a different feel too every day life.

Now im not going to sit here and say that I have never enjoyed racist jokes or ever been stereotypical and im not denying that it ever goes on but its just nice to see so many different people and so many different cultures and so many ways of life all getting along with life.

Someone should really explain to northern people who are scared of it all that its not too bad.


Another stupid company name...

Holmes and Daughters Funeral Directors.

Surely no one who has been burying a daughter has ever used this funeral directors? Probably because they have burst out crying and started breaking down before they have even got through the door. Way too bring them feelings roaring back.

They are instantly cancelling out a quarter of their market here, idiots.

Daughters burying daughters is just weird.


Sunday, 15 May 2011

So you wanna work in a shop in London but your worried because you dont speak a word of the queens? Well dont be, because neither does anyone else.

I am liking my very descriptive titles for my blogs at the moment.

This recent one comes from yesterdays expedition to the shops in Ealing. Dont judge me on the shops I am about to describe, you would do the same in my financial circumstances.

So first, Wilkos, Cheap and Cheerful shop with the most agonisingly painfully long cues thats enough to make you contemplate going into Boots next door and buy everything you have in your basket for double the price. When I finally got to within three people of the front of the cue I started picking up on the conversations between the lady on the till and her current customer. Now this till lady was in way to happy of a mood which was obviously a false face that was put on to compensate for english been only, at a guess, her 4th or 5th language. I hate people who are too happy, it really fucks me off, especially when you know its bullshit as she is working in Wilkos. No one can be this happy all the time. To make things worse it was the only line out of all the tills with the option of buying a lottery ticket(another thing I hate, its only second to the premier league in giving stupid people millions of pounds for actually doing very little) so this women was also trying to get us to buy anything to do with the lottery, in which there are about 17 different fucking games she has to ask you about.

The women she was currently serving was English. I didnt work out what the till ladies nationality but judging by her broken accent it was anywhere east of Germany. A pointlessly painful conversation ensued.

The next person to be served had obviously realised what nationality the till lady was and had a fluent conversation(which to my anguish seemed to put her in an even happier mood that she had previously been) which thankfully ended all too swiftly. The women next and also infront of me was also from the same part of the world and they chatted away like the best of buddies.

Now it was my turn for the painstaking ordeal of trying to buy something in London when your only language is English. I said hello as happily as I could muster and refused her offer of a bag politely. She then went through the extensive list of lottery opportunities I had to turn down, by the end of it I sounded like I was been tortured "no, no, no, no, no". I then messed up the card payment about three times by putting the card in too early, which was annoying as she kept saying it was ready. I probably got charged loads of times and the money either went home to her family or to some underground wilkos based drug scene.

My next shop in me living the London Highlife was Iceland for some good old frozen chicken and that nice bread that needs baking for like 5 minutes before you eat it.

Since I knew what I wanted this was a rather painless ordeal and after a few minutes I was ready to join the cue. Which in truth was not hard to do, since from almost any point in the shop I could have turned 90 degrees and I would have, at some point, touched a part of the cue. A saturday afternoon in one of the cheapest places to buy food and theres only one small asian girl on the counters serving customers, shocking. It took me 2 minutes to get my things, it took me almost 15 minutes to get served. Unbelievable.

Although this girl was almost certainly English and there was none of the language barriers of the previous shop. She was actually quite good looking too. I seem to have a thing for Indian girls since moving to London. Looks like ill be buying more frozen chicken and bread.


Friday, 13 May 2011

Thin bin bags piss me right off.

The title says it all really. For anyone who has to deal which such pathetic products on a daily basis like me will realise the truth in what I am saying. What is the point of making a bin bag when everytime I pick the little bastards up out of the bin they stay where they are and I just end up with two little rips of liner in my hands and no rubbish. Then to make things worse, when you do manage to coax the twats into coming out of the bin theres no bag left in which to tie a knott, so you end up doing it around your little finger with a knott so small its never going to hold... and it doesnt because as you go to pick it up it rips again and sits on the floor mocking you, probably about your weight.

If your going to trust your waste to such vessels then please do not buy waffer(if you want the correct pronunciation of waffer click here) thin bin bags. Buy the big thick heavy duty black bastards.


Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Stupid names for companies and how it amuses me(atleast)

So, been doing alot of walking and alot of staring into space while driving and I have noticed a couple of really stupid names for companies, thought id share them with you...

First one - Access Self Storage.

Now this is a really shit name for a company which you are intending to trust your belongings too. In fact I would go as far as saying that the number one thing you would be looking for in a good self storage company would be the inability for anyone to access your stuff while your leaving it there. Otherwise, if accessibility is what you are after whilst you are on your 'year out' you might aswell just box it up and leave it on the street with a note on it saying 'fragile - handle with care'.

To make things worse, heres the logo

The box is fucking open on the logo!!!!! Who's been in my shit? Im sure I gaffered the bastard shut when I left it?

Fucking clueless some people. It really annoys me that someone got paid to do this shit.

Company 2 - General Demolition.

Fuck me, I think this one is worse. If ever in life you would like something to be specific, I assume it would be when your paying someone to demolish something. Just the meaning of the name is enough to make you shit yourself that something is going to go wrong.

I understand that the thinking behind it is probably meaning that they will demolish anything you pay them to do but for me the meaning just comes across all wrong. Im having visions of a man turning up with a sledge hammer and some explosives and using both to equal effect.

Their logo is nothing to be made fun at but they are a real company, you can see here, and a big company at that by the looks of things. Its amazing that they are so big yet no one has ever turned around and gone "mate, thats a shit name that".

Finally - shit advertising.

Theres a greggs in brentford near where I work and on a regular basis it teases me with its advertisements in the windows and smells of cakes and pies coming out the door, as if to say "come'ed fatty, weve got it all in here" but I have also noticed some really shit adverts in their collection too.

One of their signs says 'Greggs - Ready when you are'. I can assure you this is a lie. When im on earlies and im walking past at about 5.30 the stupid women is never fucking ready. After walking the 2 miles from home I am gagging for an apple turnover by the time I get there and she just mocks me with her look as she is placing the cakes in their stands for the days business. Whore.

The second thing I have picked up on is one of their adverts which says 'Greggs - The home of fresh baking' and accompanied a picture like this -

Now im no Delia Smith in the kitchen but even I know that isnt fucking baking. Thats making a sandwich. Thats getting some bread and filling it with tuna. You also not its not baked on site in the morning because its not got the texture of a fucking brick.

What they should have put along with this tuna sandwich is 'Greggs - NOT just the home of fresh baking'. Idiots.

Conclusion -

People in advertising are stupid.

N.B - Since the success of my viewing ratings since I put rude words in my tags I will be using that ploy again as thankfully there are enough weird men out there that google this shit.


Wednesday, 4 May 2011

So, its been a while. BORING UPDATE BLOG.

Well, as the title suggests this will be a bit of an update blog so I am sorry if its a bit shit and drags on and on and on. I have been pressured into this a bit by the torrent of constant abuse from freeman to stop neglecting my blog.

So, if you have had your head up your arse for the last few months or I dont really talk to you anymore(wether that be a good thing or a bad) I am now living in London. This unprecedented turn around in my life came because someone was nice enough to give me a job which I could not afford to turn down. So at ten days notice my life was in a bag and luke and adams couch beckoned(for what turned out to be a lengthy stay).

My second night in London provided us all with the most bizarre evening. Luke wanted us all to go to this houseparty as he had a girl waiting for him who was 'in the bag' already(she was from wigan of all places) so we went along. When we got to the party I dont think any of us could believe it. There was five of us and seven of the hottest women ive ever seen in the same building. It was like someone was staging a reality tv show and we where the joke. The party promised good things but never delivered on any of them sadly as the girls almost certainly didnt drink enough.

My first few weeks of work and subsequent few weeks spent on my friends couch provided to be a really interesting and highly entertaining time. Including one of the unfittest games of football I have ever had the pleasure of playing in and some of the hottest conditions ive ever felt in England. Most of the players where hung over or half cut. I also got to experience 'Bodeans' American Grill restaurant which rob had talked about almost none stop since id been in London.

My last night at luke and adams was the night of the 'the hotel' wrap party which was taking place in Soho. I had to leave halfway through adams recording of 'mix gunna give it to ya' to head of into Soho to meet up with rob. I was already pretty drunk and rob was keen to play catch up so we tried to find an offie that would sell us some booze, failing this we found a japanese shop which sold me beer and rob saki. We abused some dutch guy who was looking for something for his cat and left. We stumbled upon duncan, who was already on his way to the wrap party and he was confused by our drunkeness. When we entered the wrap party we found out it was free booze, so we duly accepted the challenge to continue the reputation we had carefully built ourselves over the course of the previous summer... and that was to be complete and utter liabilities when drunk. I was in a bad way, about 30 minutes in, after all the greeting nonsense was out that way. I got a telling off from the barman for standing on a chair and trying to remove a fake budgie from its cage and halfway through the premier of the first episode I spilled my drink in the company of some pretty important people. We also got free food, which was excellant, and by the end of the night the women was just leaving the unfinnished trays next to me and rob. Dicking about aside though this was a pretty good evening and it was really good to get to see alot of people we had got to know quite well over the course of the shoot. It was nice to see everyone doing so well, shame John McClain couldnt be there.

I moved into my flatshare about two weeks ago now and its nice, im starting to feel at home. The people are nice and my room, although it felt weird at first is starting to feel alot more personal. The flat is pretty cool, its fairly big and has a pretty boss terrace at the back for bbqs and stuff.

I went home for a hectic weekend where I tried to see as many people as humanly possible. It started with a heated debate with the mother as she had packed all my shit into the loft and under my bed and couldnt tell me where any of it was. I have since been talked around by a certain someone that it is partially my fault and that I miss my mother, who would have knew?

I then proceeded to head to the lakes with olly and barry. I introduced them both to my inner desire to be a rally driver after I thrashed maddie around the back roads of GT which had olly(I noticed) gripped his doorside handle.

The gathering this year was good. I felt like I could never fully enjoy it knowing that id be cutting it in half but I still loved it. It was good to see so many people and especially when stubbs and rachel turned up on the saturday night unannounced, that was good. My personal highlight was the posters put up by ormskirk network, and the fact that people have started to like us but we still despise them. It was good to get out on the hill aswell and it made me realise it might be my last time in the lakes this year which is scary.

Today I got my keys at work, which is great, as it means im a full member of the team now pretty much. It also means however that I can now be victim to the same attacks in the balls the other kit room boys can, mainly by nik I imagine, so I need to be on guard for a few weeks I think. It feels good though to be gaining more responsibility, I just hope I dont fuck it up.

Sorry about this been a bit of a shit blog, I needed to get this out the way though so I can start writing about pointless funny shit again.

and to freeman, who is seemingly increasingly worried I am going to pick up southern traits. I think ill be ok freeman, I come across many people a day and hear many accents, but hardly any of them of british, let alone from the south. Ill have more chance of coming to your wedding sounding like I come from Lahore than I do London.

My tags should ensure this is not a bad blog for the ratings.

Lewis x

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

My New Favourite Blog/ damn you Barry!

So I have a new favourite blog. Its brilliant. The only downside to it is that I didnt come up with it. Well played Barry.

Please let one of them find out they are been mocked.

Click here to view.


Tuesday, 11 January 2011

My Favourite 50 Beatles Songs.

So, after speaking a while back with Luke and Kyle in London on our way home from the Pub(we could not be arsed paying for the bus) we started talking about what songs would make our Top 50 ever Beatles songs. We pretty much discussed it all the way home and then never really mentioned it again.

The recently I have been hammering my Beatles albums more than ever. So I thought I would have a go at compiling my list. It was hard. I have actually been working quite alot for about a week.

Numbers 1-15 are in some sort of order but all 50 to me are great songs or they wouldn't be in the list. The First song on the list and the only one I am 100% sure of its position is 'In My Life' which is at Number one. It probably is my favourite song of all time, certainly my favourite song by Lennon.

So here it is:

1. In My Life – Rubber Soul – Lennon with McCartney

2. Revolution - Hey Jude(US) – Lennon

3. Helter Skelter – The Beatles – McCartney

4. Oh! Darling – Abbey Road - McCartney

5. Any Time At All – A Hard Days Night - Lennon with McCartney

6. The Night Before – Help - McCartney

7. Your Going To Loose That Girl – Help – Lennon

8. Im Happy Just To Dance With You – Help – Lennon and McCartney

9. Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except For Me and My Monkey – The Beatles- Lennon

10. It Wont Be Long – Meet The Beatles – Lennon with McCartney

11. Two of Us – Let It Be – McCartney

12. Girl – Rubber Soul – Lennon

13. I Am The Walrus – Magical Mystery Tour – Lennon

14. Im Only Sleeping – Revolver – Lennon

15. I Want You(She's So Heavy) - Abbey Road – Lennon

16. Dont Let Me Down – Hey Jude(US) – Lennon

17. I Should Have Know Better – Hey Jude(US) – Lennon

18. You Wont See Me – Revolver – McCartney

19. Twist And Shout – Please Please Me – Russell

20. Come Together – Abbey Road – Lennon

21. Got To Get You Into My Life – Revolver – McCartney

22. All Ive Gotta Do – Meet The Beatles – Lennon

23. Eleanor Rigby – Revolver – McCartney with Lennon

24. Wait – Rubber Soul – Lennon and McCartney

25. I Me Mine – Let It Be – Harrison

26. The Long And Winding Road – Let It Be - McCartney

27. Get Back – Let It Be – McCartney

28. Hey Jude – Hey Jude(US) – McCartney

29. Drive My Car – Rubber Soul – McCartney with Lennon

30. Your Mother Should Know – Magical Mystery Tour – McCartney

31. If I fell – A Hard Days Night – Lennon with McCartney

32. Back In The U.S.S.R – The Beatles – McCartney

33. Another Girl – Help – McCartney

34. You've Got To Hide Your Love Away – Help – Lennon

35. Roll Over Beethoven – With The Beatles – Berry

36. Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band - “ - McCartney

37. A Day In The Life – Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band – Lennon with McCartney

38. Nowhere Man – Rubber Soul – Lennon

39. If I Needed Somebody – Rubber Soul – Harrison

40. For No One – Revolver - McCartney

41. We Can Work It Out – 1962-1966 – McCartney with Lennon

42. From Me To You – 1962-1966 – Lennon and McCartney

43. Something – Abbey Road – Harrison

44. Maxwells Silver Hammer – Abbey Road – McCartney

45. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds – Sgt. Peppers – Lennon

46. Norwegian Wood – Rubber Soul – Lennon with McCartney

47. While My Guitar Gently Weeps – The Beatles – Harrison

48. And Your Bird Can Sing – Revolver – Lennon

49. Eight Days A Week – The Beatles VI - Lennon and McCartney

50. I Need You – Help – Harrison

There are many other songs I would love to have put in here but then it would not have been a challenge to make the list.

What do people think? Have I missed out your favourite? and have I put in some rubbish? Please Discuss.

Things this has taught me is that Lennon is my favourite writer of the lot but actually McCartney was not as far behind as expected. Harrison wrote some quality songs and Ringo Starrs songs are shite.

My favourite album is Rubber Soul closely followed by revolver.

So I leave you with this speech from 'Live at the BBC' involving most of the band. Enjoy


Monday, 10 January 2011

Dont you just love awkward situations?

I have just got in from walking up to the shops to collect my mums blood money(keep) from the cash machine in the village when on the way back I noticed I was walking just ahead of a neighbour of mine who lives at the top of our road.

I know him fairly well for a neighbour and we talk quite often when we see each other and we also recently, with some other people from the street, spent the whole day smashing and clearing ice off our road.

However I was still a good five or six minutes away from my house and I didnt have that much material in which to talk to him about so I quickened my pace.

It was to no avail, as he is quick. I could hear him catching me but I daren't turn around for fear of having to engage in conversation. So as the tension cranked up and he could not have been more than a few feet behind me he turned off into the first entrance into our estate. 'Thank Christ' I thought now I have everted that situation.

Although I hadn't.

Because now I had the shorter route back to our road and he had the faster walking pace. So much faster infact that I was almost certain that he would be able to do his route in roughly the same time as it would take me to do mine and we would meet at the corner of the bottom of our street.

So I deflected of my normal route in favour of a slightly longer route in hope that this would bring me just behind him going up the road and I would get away with the whole situation. It wasn't even about not talking to him now, it was about the fact that quite obviously on two occasions I had opted out of the fastest route to my house in order to not have to walk side by side with this fellow.

As I was coming up the bottom of my road, from my diverted route, there he was. Heading straight for the corner of our street and would get there at exactly the same time that I would. I clocked him, he clocked me. We where pretty much starring at each other and I just started to laugh as I am awful at keeping a straight face.

"I was having a personal race against you then" I quickly made up.
"Yeah I walk fast" he beamed, "4 and a half miles an hour, I like to keep fit"

Jesus, I thought, out paced by a pensioner.


A Highland Hogmanay Adventure.

Over the holidays we continued our annual assault on some wintery mountains in Scotland(even though this was my first year of the three due to critical levels of funds, which where only marginally better this christmas) only to find that quite a big thaw had set in which left little amounts of snow and bullet hard ice. Which was nice(shit rhyme).

Me, matt, fonzie, freeman and mathers where on all aboard the love trains for what promised to be one hell of a sexy week. Me and The Fonz where heading up a day late however to ensure we got to ride in the bitching Audi. Our destination was the Inchree centre for we had booked ourselves a chalet for the five nights. On the journey up where were listening to Papa Fonzies Ipod and this proved to be quite fruitfull in what it delivered. There was probably no more than 6 or 7 albums on the Ipod which consisted of love song combinations, one hit wonder compilations and NOW's from the oldschool. I think my favourite song of the journey was on our last leg home when we found this beaut. I fucking loved this.

"we can dance, we can dance, Everybody look at your hands" Brilliant.

When me and Fonz had arrived the rest of them where still out on the hill and we had to ask for a spare key at reception. This was bad because there was 5 of us and there was only meant to be 4 in a chalet. So we had to be covert. Since we had to be covert I thought it would be best if the trained assassin that is Fonzie would be the right person to go in and get the job done, since if shit did go down he could get rid of everybody in a flash. So anyway, im waiting outside in the cold, in dashing distance of the bushes incase it goes tits up and all of a sudden the door opens and out comes fonzie. Just as I am halfway through saying "well done fonzie" a blond women follows him out. "Fuck, he's pulled already" I thought... worse, it was the women who had the key and fonzie had offered her a lift up to her flat, the dark horse. So now theres me, fonzie and blond women in the car going up to her flat, when she pipes up "isnt there 4 people in there alreadt?" she was wrong and this made it easier to lie. She was also foreign so could not sense our lies.

Our first day on the hill(which turned out to be my only day on the hill) proved eventful. If you want to read a better write up of this than mine is going to be then check out this. We headed over towards Creise and had to negotiate some tricky frozen rivers which was fun. We then spotted an ice route on the way that had matt nursing a semi and he said he would have to come back and do it someday as it did look pretty spectacular. The rest of them then had a play on some ice and after a lot of abuse and persuasion they managed to make me put my crampons on and go and join them. It took me about five minutes just to move as I was completely shitting myself. Soon enough though we where heading up snow slopes which was fine by me.

We then (against my will) headed up the originally intended route which was a grade 3. It started with an ice pitch, which as we have now established is my favourite. In truth it wasn't too bad, until about half way up I fell off. I fell about 2 meters and was left dangling for about 5 minutes before I mustered the strength to get up and carry on, which was interesting. But actually I enjoyed it when I looked back. We then proceeded to walk down the nice easy gully I had my eye to go up in the first place, which was interesting. Again however this was no where near as bad as I thought it would be.

I did take another tumble(or two) on the way down and knew I had hurt my foot and ankle but wasn't sure how bad. Turns out when we finally got back to the chalet that things where very swollen around that area which was not good. Did mean however that I got to spend the rest of the trip drinking and eating, which is a favoured past time of mine.

The next day was a complete write off for everyone as we where all trashed so we headed into Fort William for an afternoon watching matt contemplating spending his fathers money and mainly sitting in pubs. We had to head back in good time though as we had guests coming that evening and we still needed to cram in a man session whilst we watched RED.

Later on that evening Charly and Phil turned up in the passion wagon to pay us a visit. I was making chilli and they had brought snacks. They also abused our shower. We then watched the 'ruder, cruder, nuder' version of 'sex drive'. Earlier in the day us 5 had watched the normal version and liked it so much we where now going to watch the extended version. You know its going to be good when at the start the director comes on the screen and says "please dont watch this if you have not seen the original as this is not a film, its trash for fans".

That night fonzie got some battle scars on his forehead when he went outside and butted some ice because he is hard. He also said he learnt his lesson.

Cant really remember many details so ill cut straight to new years eve. We went to a hotel down the road and situated ourselves in the bar for some food. We quickly noticed that everyone else had dressed up and that maybe this would not be our sort of evening. This was until we all got smashed and then them worried quickly drifted away.

It was honestly the best new years eve I can remember and I had so much fun. Doing a Ceilidh was so good even though they wanted to do it like five times and I wanted them to play the beatles. I also spent a large portion of my evening speaking to some old people on the table behind me which was good as they where actually interested in some pretty cool stuff. Talked about The Editors alot and how good they are live.

One of the funniest things that happened that night was matt and mathers locking themselves in the boot of mathers' car. It took us three ages to find them and I had to phone matt and mathers was like "we are in the boot". How the hell that happened I dont know.

The 1st was a write off. The only thing we messed up on was not finding the BBQ until after we had already decided not to BBQ which was a let down as we had all remembered our shorts and flip flops. Although I did forget my gloves... bummer.

On the last dat we got up fairly early so that the others could go ice climbing. Me with my foot still killing stayed with the cars and read 185 or so pages of The Stigs autobiography which was actually quite good although I skipped through some of the earlier background chapters to get straight to the good shit.

In the end the trip was fantastic but it was just a shame I busted my foot, although to be honest I was no where near as fit as I should have been. We got a good balance though of some good days on the hill and some good social downtime which really made it feel more like a holiday.

Highlights where:

The man salad.
The phantom shit.
Sex Drive.
Frozen Turf.
Men with hats.
A bottle of house red - £12.99.
Texting 'TIGER1' to 70099.

The downsides where:

Steep Ice.

There will be alot of imperfections with this blog, im tired, deal with it.
