Monday, 15 March 2010

Fantastic Mr Fox was, well, Brilliant

I thought my favourite animated film of 2009 was 'up' by a long way. That was until I had the pleasure of watching 'Fantastic Mr Fox'.

I love watching films when you expect very little from them and they surprise you. When this film was released no one really cared, it didn't get people talking and it certainly didn't make me want to watch it. And after Clooneys oscar nominated performance in 'up in the air' I had fully had enough of him and didn't really want to like it.

After about two or three minutes of it however I was completely sold. The stop start animation is a breath of fresh air away from the over perfected 3D animation we have become almost immune to now and the story is just compelling. I am not going to sit here and compare it to the book, as I hate people that do that. Do you know how much harder it is to make a film than it is to write a book? and also, the only reason it was not as good as the book was because the director selfishly chose not create the film exactly how you had imagined it in your stupid little head.

Back to the film, Clooney is actually pretty funny. In fact, this film is one of the funniest and most charming films I have seen in years. The humour in it would go way over childrens heads and I am not at all surprised it did not get that well talked of at the time. It never seemed to be given a proper chance. One of the funniest things about the film is that they have replaced the word 'fuck' with the word 'cuss'. Although you would never notice it but the word 'cuss' is said so much that taken with a different mindset this film would have got much more than its PG rating.

The animation coupled with the humour in the film makes this truly one of my favourite animated films of all time. I cant wait to buy it and watch it again.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

I have a Blog

Well, after viewing a pretty impressive blog and spending a good portion of my evening last night talking about them, today I have made one. I guess its a good way to vent my opinions that no one will care about.

With this been my first ever post I will give a bit of background on my last few weeks. I have been car-less now since december and it is doing my head in. For those people who don't drive, you will never realise what it is like to lose that from your life. For a few months now I have felt lost. Hopefully this will get sorted in the next few days though and my life can resume, I mean there is so much snow about at the moment and I don't have anything to get me to it.

I have also entered that last stages on my university life. I have been working on my dissertation and we have one practical assignment to do and that is me done. 'into the real world' as my parents like to constantly remind me. This prospect scares me and I have been scouring graduate job websites since I recently woke up and thought 'bugger'.

So as I sit here writing this pretty pointless and aimless first blog I am agitated by my lack of car but satisfied enough with my new haircut. I am heading back to university tomorrow and then hopefully at the weekend going on my first of four weekends away in the next six. This should be good as I have been itching to get back out into the hills since snow and ice and I hear alot of things are still looking good.

This picture sums up my last few weeks -